
March 19, 2008


ChaiN For LoVeRs..^^


I feel tired in making this frame and i enjoy making it with my friends..i plan to make more! =) i compare my frame to the department store--my frame is unique than those frame in the department stores..^^

February 12, 2008

♥VaLenTinEs. . .

As i look into your eyes
I see an angel in disguise
sent from god above
for me to love
hope and idolize

When i finally found my way
to live me down this lonely road

all i have to do is follow you

you live me like a rose

and give me room to grow

Gave me air so i can live
you open doors that close
in the world that everything goes

give me strength so i can love

You give me is better just like a rose;

February 10, 2008

♥I'm NoThiNg. . .

Time will make you forget me
but time will make me
love you more than before.

Don't Cry Over Someone
That Won't Cry Over You

Moving on is simple,
it's what you leave behind
that makes it so difficult

February 8, 2008


I HaTe tO haVe a cAtS
bEcAuSe Of raTs
bUt ThE mOsT iS bAtS
bEaTeN bY a bAt;

I LikE LoVeLy pEopLe
bUt DisLikE pUrpLe

wHiLe pLaYiNg wiTh tHe BaLL;

I LiKe To pLaY piAnO
bUt mY mOtHeR sAiD "no''
wHen ThE iPoD iS oN
ThE mUsiC gOeS oN;